How to Name Your Business: Workbook & Guide


This guide will help you think strategically about the label you're putting on your brand, the values and ethos you're presenting, and the others you're competing with in the space. I've used this exact process to name businesses for the last 7+ years of my career. This process works to get your creative juices flowing, gain a strategic perspective on business naming, and helps to form some business essentials like brand values and industry research.

What’s included:

  • A PDF Download Workbook

  • 20 Pages of Creative Exercises to Name Your Business

  • A Script for getting feedback for your names

  • Guiding materials to inform you about the naming process

  • Checklists for hunting for domains, searching social, and what to do with your new name.

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When naming a new business, I often see clients struggle.

They can't find something that's truly "them." The back and forth, confusion and misunderstanding, can really hold up the process. Myself and others in my network will sometimes share stories of clients who were so close to booking that web design or branding project...but they don't have a name yet.

The process can take months of research and sharing with friends and family, and can feel endless or painful.

No more! This course is meant to help provide a roadmap for strategic thinking around naming and branding a new business.

From Conscious Roots Counseling:

“ I really loved going through the packet - it was a fun way to find ways to describe myself, my business, and ideal client(s). I quickly scanned the document, and what I find interesting is that "conscious" shows up once - and I think I pulled it from And now that word anchors my brand. The Naming Guide 100% helped me name my business! I probably would have kept my current (aka boring) business name without this packet. And renaming my practice really helped shape the brand - I LOVE the new name and brand. So thank you!”